I thought I saw a turkey, standing by a tree
It gobbled and it wobbled and it ran away from me.
Turkey, turkey, turkey please come out and play
I promise not to eat you, on Thanksgiving Day!
Miss DeeDee
Sung by her preschool class
A hundred million years ago, I lived on a farm. It was awesome being a kid spending every minute of every day outside with my dad doing crazy stuff most kids today have never done. Every year my dad would get 100 chickens and 25 turkeys and we would raise them to sell in the fall. Turkeys are not the smartest animals. I had proof of this every time a neighboring farmer would call us to say that the turkeys had wandered off and ended up in their yard. Our turkeys would fill their bellies, happily chasing bugs and lose all sense of where they were, get lost and then I would have to chase those crazy turkeys back home to our farm.
Dare I say to you, "DON'T be a TURKEY" for obvious reasons, especially at Thanksgiving!