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Monday, November 30, 2015

I Thought I Saw a Turkey

I thought I saw a turkey, standing by a tree
It gobbled and it wobbled and it ran away from me.

Turkey, turkey, turkey please come out and play
I promise not to eat you, on Thanksgiving Day!

Miss DeeDee 
  Sung by her preschool class

A hundred million years ago, I lived on a farm. It was awesome being a kid spending every minute of every day outside with my dad doing crazy stuff most kids today have never done. Every year my dad would get 100 chickens and 25 turkeys and we would raise them to sell in the fall. Turkeys are not the smartest animals. I had proof of this every time a neighboring farmer would call us to say that the turkeys had wandered off and ended up in their yard. Our turkeys would fill their bellies, happily chasing bugs and lose all sense of where they were, get lost and then I would have to chase those crazy turkeys back home to our farm.

Dare I say to you, "DON'T be a TURKEY" for obvious reasons, especially at Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Fred is DEAD 'cause he never READ.

Many of you already met Fred...

      Why is Fred dead, you ask? Well, Fred didn't like to read and thought it was ridiculous to spend time every day reading when there were so many other cool, fun things he could be doing, like playing Minecraft,  texting his 200 best friends, or anything else he could think of besides reading.

Don't be like Fred. 

Independent reading is what YOU CHOOSE to read on your own.
Independent reading is done for information or for pleasure.
It is not assigned reading.
No one is telling you WHAT to read or WHEN to read.
No one is checking your comprehension, assigning you a book report, a project, or some activity.
It is done on your own time, in your own space, at your own pace, whenever you feel like it.


Friday, September 11, 2015

Where are those BANNED BOOKS? I need something good to read!

     When in doubt, you can always pick a great book by finding one that someone doesn't want you to read. They are guaranteed to be memorable.

     I remember when I was in middle school about 100 years ago, all of my friends were secretly reading the book "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret" by Judy Blume.

                                                  Are You There God, It's Me Margaret? 

     We were all very interested in knowing and talking about GIRL STUFF. Girl stuff, back in the day, wasn't about graphic sex, gangs, physical abuse, and perversion. Girl stuff was learning about growing up (health class and boy body parts,) wearing bras, getting periods, liking boys, picking clothes, and wearing makeup. Things have changed over the last 40 years.

    One thing that hasn't changed, is the fact that some books have been removed from libraries, BANNED, because of the content. Books that deal with topics like sex, drugs, gangs, violence, and explicit language usually get the attention of kids and adults, and sometimes they receive less than favorable reviews. This can lead to CENSORSHIP. What is censorship? This is when someone decides that YOU shouldn't be allowed to read something and thinks that NOONE should, and they try to PREVENT people from having access to it.

How do you feel about that?  Do you think that you should have the right to read books that have adult material and concepts?  Do you think you are old enough to decide for yourself? Do you think that someone, other than your parents, should be able to tell you NOT to read a book?

Well, check out this list of books that were CHALLENGED for their content and some of them REMOVED from libraries in the 2014-2015 school year.

                                     BANNED BOOKS!!

We own some of them, so maybe you want to search for a good banned book in our very own library. It is guaranteed to be a GOOD BOOK, but maybe someone won't want you reading it!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Quiz Time!

I have a love/hate relationship with quizzes. I am sure many other people feel the same way : )

I WANT to do well, and like the challenge, but HATE when I can't remember, don't know the spelling, or just flat out don't know the answers to the questions.

Here is a fun book quiz from Buzz Feed... Fun for me, because as a librarian I pretty much remember and know these, but do you?


Friday, July 17, 2015

Make the Crossover: You need all the right moves and books!

Do you have all the right moves? Not if you haven't gotten "The Crossover" by Kwame Alexander from they library!  Check it out... Yea, literally and figuratively speaking!

Here are some GREAT resources you need to check out.

I joined the Book Club for Kids!
 Book Club for Kids

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Need Another Good Book List?

Are you looking for your next "good read?"

 Try these on for size!

North Carolina School Library Media Association 
Book Awards

 2015-2016 Nominees
Middle School
  1. Anybody Shining by Frances O'Roark Dowell, Atheneum Books for Young Readers (October 7, 2014)
  2. Blue Birds by Caroline Starr RoseG.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers (March 10, 2015) {replaces The End by Michael Hopf}
  3. The Crossover by Kwame Alexander,  HMH Books for Young Readers, 2014 *
  4. The President Has Been Shot by James Swanson, Scholastic Inc, 2013
  5. The Flame of Olympus by Kate O'Hearn, Aladdin, 2013
  6. The Port Chicago 50 by by Steve Sheinkin, Roaring Brook Press (January 21, 2014)
  7. Rule of Three by Eric Walters, Square Fish (January 20, 2015)
  8. Secret Hum of a Daisy by Tracy Holczer, Putnam Juvenile (2014)
  9. The Troubles of Johnny Cannon by Isaiah Campbell, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (October 14, 2014)
  10. What I Came to Tell You by Tommy Hays, EgmontUSA, 2013

* Also on the MSBattle of the Books list!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Have you started reading Battle books?

Have you started reading Battle books?  Click here for the list:

2015-2016 Battle of the Books

Upcoming Discussions:

"Crossover" by Kwame Alexander --- September 16, 2015.

"Cinder" by Marissa Meyer --- September 23, 2015

"Out of My Mind" by Sharon Draper  ---  September 30, 2015

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Making a list, checking it twice.  I am getting books for our summer reading program!  All rising 7th and 8th grade summer reading books should be available from the KMS Library. Stop in from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on a Tuesday or Thursday in July if you need a good read!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Reading Program @ KMS

Get ready. July will be here before you know it!

Need the 7th or 8th grade Summer Reading List? Want to know if we have books you need? Go to Destiny!